Why HR branding matters
Branding isn't just something you need to be concerned about when it comes to marketing and sales. Branding your HR department really helps when it comes to recruiting the best employees, too.
Projecting your company's overall image and values helps potential applicants decide whether or not they should apply to your listing. Your company branding acts as a filter, discouraging the wrong job seekers from applying and encouraging the right people to inquire instead.

Many recruiting sites don't give you the freedom to take advantage of HR branding, leaving you struggling with piles of unsuitable resumes and wasted hours. Hiring people this way is unnecessarily stressful, painfully long and often expensive.
Careerlink gives you the opportunity to extend your internal branding to the recruitment process in a quick and user-friendly way. The modern recruitment solution provides you with means to discuss your work culture, the technology your business uses, what your team is like, your goals for the future and many other important aspects of your business. Being transparent when hiring employees means only the most fitting people will apply, helping to make your recruitment process more efficient.
If you're curious about how this small tactic could greatly affect your business, here are four ways HR branding will improve recruiting for you.

Attract the right type of employee
Strong HR branding ensures the right kind of candidates respond to your job posting. By having the ability to describe aspects of your business that will greatly affect your employees, applicants will be able to determine whether or not they're a good fit for the position before applying.
Defining your brand's work culture will help potential candidates understand if they have the same values as the company. Listing the average employee age will encourage applicants to think about the people they'll be working with. And noting the average employee commute time will give job seekers a reasonable idea of how far they'll need to travel each day.
When only the type of candidates you're interested in apply for your jobs, you'll have a much better pool of people to choose from, helping you select only the finest talent every time.

Speed up your recruitment process
A clever recruitment branding strategy significantly accelerates the hiring process for HR managers. When you list parts of your business' work culture that are non-negotiable, people searching for work will know whether or not they'd be a suitable hire before they waste your time.
For example, if your company doesn't provide working from home opportunities, applicants who are looking for a flexible working environment won't apply. And if you list all the different types of technology your company commonly uses, someone who is unfamiliar with them and has very limited knowledge of the online world will look for a position elsewhere.
By revealing your internal branding for job applicants to see, you'll reduce the number of useless CVs. Not having to scan over hundreds of unsuitable resumes removes a mountain of stress and wasted time.

Promote planning for the future
Displaying your HR branding when recruiting new employees inspires current and potential staff to look toward a brighter future. If the goals of your business aren't compatible with the aspirations of possible candidates, they're less likely to apply to your job postings.
The goals worth mentioning aren't internal goals, such as increasing profits by 10% or launching a new product. Instead, talk about more world-changing aspirations, such as inspiring positive change, increasing diversity or reducing harmful emissions.
Helping employees understand that there's more to your company than just profit will create a close team filled with people working together toward a worthwhile goal.

Strengthen your work culture
Appealing to the right type of candidates and deterring the wrong kind of applicants creates a strong work culture that fortifies your business. Having only suitable job seekers apply for your available positions makes recruiting the best people for your business so much easier.
By hiring top candidates who have the same work ethics as you and your team, hold the same business values and are working toward the same professional goals, your organization will grow and its sense of unity will thrive.
Get Started with your HR Branding
Don't let your HR department get left behind in the race for great candidates.